Salesforce. AI. Web3
Our Memorable 8th-Anniversary Trip
Recently, the Concret.io team continued their annual tradition of throwing a blasting party on their anniversary month. A sabbatical is an integral part of the company’s…
Our Awesome 1 Year WFH Journey
When we embarked on our journey of work-from-home last year, we knew that it would be a transformational experience. But what we didn’t know was how…
Journey of Work From Home (The cultural shift of the workspace)
We never had this idea that there will be a time when our whole company will be on work from home mode (at least not very soon). Although 80-90 percent of our…
Oct-Nov Highlights - Crackers, Trips and DF19 :)
I told you last time, something exciting is coming up in October. I guess you have an idea by now what I am going to talk about?? Yes, We had our ANNUAL COMPANY TRIP!!!…
All about Sept'19
Anniversaries are curiously awaited and what if it’s the anniversary of the company!!! Yes, 1st September marks the anniversary of Concretio and this year we proudly…
Memories from August 19
The highlighted event of this month was surely the Independence Day celebration. Celebrating this big day is essential to keep our hearts saturated with the spirit of…
Flashback July'19
We are back with the highlights of JULY. July might become long and tedious to some, as typically it doesn’t have any holidays or festivals. But, we at Concretio…
Let’s look at what we did in June'19
We worked.. Wait…not just that… We enjoyed and shared some good memories. It’s indeed a pleasure when we celebrate important occasions with our employees…