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Since 2010, we have been delighted to author some creative Salesforce libraries and are humbled by the community's love and appreciation.

Salesforce Lookup Rollup Summaries

145 ⭐️ 90 🖖🏼

This library contains a key class called "LREngine" i.e. "L"ookup "R"ollup Engine, which:

  • Performs rollup on multiple such fields in a single aggregate SOQL query.

  • Allows easy addition/removal of new fields to rollup as requirement changes over the span of time.

  • A developer needs to write only a single trigger for multiple rollup fields.

  • Allows the developer to filter the child records getting rolled up, just like standard roll-up summary fields.


  1. Related Article in Salesforce Tech Library by Andrew Fawcett

  2. Used in popular GitHub project declarative-lookup-rollup-summaries.


Salesforce Lookup Rollup Summaries Banner

Tolerado for Salesforce APIs

“Tolerado: Java Client Wrappers for Salesforce SOAP web services” is a SOAP + Java + Salesforce integration framework to support transparent retrying of recoverable exceptions rather than failing hard and caching session IDs to save API calls. It's a pretty popular lib for SOAP-based integrations. It is featured in the Salesforce developer blog and a book named “Salesforce Handbook” by Salesforce MVPs Wes Nolte and Jeff Douglas. 


  • View on Google Code

  • Move to GitHub now, as Google code is shut down. Find the project on the following links:



Publications featuring Tolerado

Apex Fast XML DOM

Apex wrapper on Apex DOM classes(Document, XmlNode). It exposes W3C DOM API for XML manipulation, which is pretty popular and known to most developers, so saves development time and cost on integration projects. It's pretty popular and featured in Mar'10 Salesforce developer newsletter as well.



Find other authored projects on this GitHub handle: https://github.com/abhinavguptas