Salesforce. AI. Web3
Why apex-lang for Apex developers ?
apex-lang is an open source Apex library, its Apex port of very popular Apache Common Lang java project. Almost all java developers and open source projects in Java depend on Apache Common Lang. This is really good to see that something similar came to apex in open source. apex-lang is comprising of many Utility classes that port the Apache’s stuff to apex…
Salesforce Winter’11 Release – More guess work on whats coming next !
Salesforce releases are exciting for me, I am always eager to know whats coming next in this release. While writing some other blog post on “Chatter for Winter’11”, I was going thru Quinton’s blog post on Salesforce blog. On a screen shot on this blog post, I noticed a few interesting things (might be related to Winter’11 release), those are highlighted in red circles in picture below…
WSC SObject handling Lookup, Child relationships and XPath queries !
This post explains how to best handle/access primitives, lookups and child relationships, when working with Partner-Sobject compiled from Salesforce WSC WSDL complier…
ApacheAxis & WSC Partner WSDL Sobject compared !
This post compares “com.sforce.soap.partner.sobject.SObject” generated by compiling Partner WSDL with WSC, to SObject class generated with Java libs like Apache Axis. This might be of interest for those developers who compiled Partner WSDL with other libs like Apache CXF etc..
Salesforce WSC ApacheAxis Session Sharing
Yesterday’s blog post explained how to best use Apache Axis and WSC stubs in parallel on same JVM or Project. This post reveals another small trick for developers using both WSC and Apache Axis WSDL2Java stubs together in a project/jvm. The trick focuses on reducing the number of login() call via Partner or Enterprise Stubs…
WSC Apache Axis ClassCastException Issue Fixed !
This post is specially for those, having a Java Application(Production) working with SFDC web services via Apache-Axis stubs(WSDL2Java), but because of known advantages from WSC, you want to add some new functionality, like Bulk API as mentioned in SFDC blog here…
Tolerado WSC integration close to complete !
I mentioned few days back about starting integration of Tolerado with WSC. The latest updates on this integration are
Tolerado-WSC is code complete [beta* :)]. I am testing the API now…
Tolerado SFDC WSC Helper APIs
I am researching on how to best use & integrate “WSC” with Tolerado. This research mainly focuses on
How to preserve and reuse a single sfdc login session across the all the WSDLs. This should again go in transparent fashion as with Tolerado for Apache Axis…
Salesforce WSC Metadata WSDL Connector Configuration Issue – Solved!
I am working and doing R&D with the Salesforce WSC library to get Tolerado ported to it. Most of the pieces worked well, but I was initially stuck with Metadata WSDL issues. I faced the following two major blockers: Metadata WSDL Compilation Issue and Metadata Connector Config Issue.
How Tolerado improves the Salesforce Web Service Client code !
Developers are always too concerned about many things, like making the Web Service call work right for them and implementing the biz requirements. So handling exceptions and giving them proper treatment is mostly not a priority…
Why WS-Client should RETRY Web Service Exceptions ?
Web Services are something that are either used as provider or client by almost every developer. Web services are usually exposed via SOAP, these days RESTful web services are common too. One thing common in all types web services is HTTP protocol, its the base protocol wrapped by SOAP / REST implementations…
Apex “No Operation Available Request” Web Service Errors!
Sometimes while working with Salesforce Web Service APIs, we get a “No Operation Available for Request” error. This error comes because the “Web service ENDPOINT URL” is not correct. In my case, this error came when I was trying to use “apex.wsdl” for executing Apex test cases via my Java code.
Using System.runAs() for Too Many Query Rows 501 errors!
501 error comes when we cross the governor limit, that is, “total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries”. As per this limit, a single Apex testMethod can only retrieve 500 rows in all SOQL calls.
Fast XML DOM vs XmlDom Benchmarks!
Today I got a nice comment about “Fast XML DOM” script consumption being more of Ron Hess’s “XmlDom.cls”. That surprised me, and I thought, Why don’t I give it a try and publish the results?
Fast save and refresh on Eclipse IDE developers spend lot of coding time waiting for file SAVE operation to finish. This is specially panic for developers working on huge projects having many classes, pages, objects and components…
Fast Apex XML DOM updated with 3 new Node APIs
Today I was done with coding the 3 important missing API’s in Fast Apex XML DOM’s TODO list. The latest code is checked into Google Code SVN. Following are the newly added API’s to TG_XmlNode.cls..
Apex Implementing Singleton Design Pattern
Singleton is pretty popular and one of the most simple design patterns. On many occasions, we want an Apex class to have a single instance only. Fortunately, it's possible and pretty easy with Apex. There can be different strategies to implement singleton in Apex (inspired by my Java days learning). Before that, the following are the prerequisites to make a class Singleton.
Fast Apex Xml Dom on “” CodeShare Now !
Apex wrapper classes aka “Fast Apex XML Dom” has reached a point that I can share with all on Codeshare. Now Apex test classes have more than 95% code coverage(All Legal, no fake lines added :)))…
Fast Apex XML Dom Quick Started Guide !
This post explains how to quickly start using the new wrapper Apex API. Developers coding previously on either Ron Hess’s XmlDOM or standard w3c xmldom will feel almost no difference and no learning curve in using this API…