Salesforce. AI. Web3

Abhinav Gupta Abhinav Gupta Abhinav Gupta Abhinav Gupta

Why WS-Client should RETRY Web Service Exceptions ?

Web Services are something that are either used as provider or client by almost every developer. Web services are usually exposed via SOAP, these days RESTful web services are common too. One thing common in all types web services is HTTP protocol, its the base protocol wrapped by SOAP / REST implementations…

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Abhinav Gupta Abhinav Gupta Abhinav Gupta Abhinav Gupta

Apex Implementing Singleton Design Pattern

Singleton is pretty popular and one of the most simple design patterns. On many occasions, we want an Apex class to have a single instance only. Fortunately, it's possible and pretty easy with Apex. There can be different strategies to implement singleton in Apex (inspired by my Java days learning). Before that, the following are the prerequisites to make a class Singleton.

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