Winter'20 Release - 10 Favorites from 10 Community Leaders
Salesforce Winter'20 release brings a lot of excitement and goodness. Following are 10 favorite features, as reported by 10 community enthusiasts and leaders.
Two small technical things that are making my life easy: The ability to set the Product Line Item default as "1" in the Amount, this will save a lot of workarounds that were needed in the past, especially for organizations that sell one product in each sale. Contact Roles being upgraded to 1st class object: this will give the ability to pass information to the Contact Role object from the Contact or the Opportunity and create logic around it.
Roy is a Salesforce MVP based out of Israel.
Pritam Shekhawat
1. Set Component Visibility Rules by Device - It's the amazing feature that allows user to Show/Hide Lightning Components based upon field values. It will be great news for those who are used to mobile app, you can now set this by Desktop or Mobile. Perfect if you need to develop a different experience for each device.2. Add Tabs and Accordion Components to Your Home Pages -Use the Accordion component to organize your components into collapsible sections. That way it can give more business information on home page for users.3. Recycle Bin in Lightning Experience - Most awaited feature.Salesforce Lightning Practice Lead at Dazeworks Inc | Salesforce MVP(2018) & Lightning Champion | Noida Group Leader
Jen Bowen
Where is this used? is now GA! This feature is amazing for Salesforce professionals. Being able to quickly verify where a field is referenced and what reports it is on is a game-changer. Crossing your fingers or spending too much time manually digging in an undocumented org to find this information is a thing of the past! Now you can repurpose your time on higher-value tasks (like implementing In-App Guidance or learning flow!).
Jen is Salesforce MVP, 4x Certified #Salesforce professional, @WI_SF_Saturday & @WISFDCUG Co-leader
Chris Edwards
Permission Set Groups, specifically their Muting Permission Set feature. Just today I discovered that a managed package had added a bunch of permissions to one of their permission sets - permissions that I didn't want my users to have. Sure, I could clone that standard permission set, remove the extra permissions and then use my custom permission set instead - but once I've diverged from the standard, I then wouldn't be able to get the benefit of future capabilities that were added to the standard one. So this new feature (now out of pilot and into beta) allows me to put the standard permission set into a permission set group, and to add a muting permission set to remove those extra permissions I don't want. Excellent! Bonus mentions to two features which reduce the need to Say No To Flow: 1) Starting flows on a schedule, and 2) Alerting the right people when a flow error occurs.
Chris is a Salesforce MVP, Solution Architect located in the south west of the UK.
Rakesh Gupta
Ability to schedule Flows. This is going to a game-changer for everyone because now people can able to handle many automation scenarios which previously required Apex
Rakesh is Author | 6x Salesforce MVP | Salesforce Architect | Salesforce Coach.
Chamil Madusanka
Connect to Your Customers With WhatsApp & WeChat (Pilot) The reason is this feature is the most demanding feature I got in the past 6-12 months.
Chamil is Salesforce MVP | 2X SF Author | 4X Salesforce Certified | Sri Lanka Salesforce DUG Leader.
Gorav Seth
Lookups in flow. It's a game-changer for flow. Creating contacts, creating opps, etc. You need lookups!
Gaurav is a Salesforce MVP, and Salesforce Platform Manager at Ashoka.