A New Marketing Cloud, Datorama, and Service Cloud Features have been Released by Salesforce

The Salesforce team is on a mission to make businesses better, smarter, and more collaborative. They have been pulling together interactions with different departments in order to generate actionable insights and consolidate workflows. Now, we will learn about one their newest features: Let’s start with Marketing Cloud where Customer Data Platform + Intelligence together are going to help you get the most out of your marketing strategies.

Marketing Cloud

The guesswork is out of the way, and now you can focus on what really matters: truly engaging with your audience.

Do you know according to a survey 67% of marketers are not satisfied with their ability to create more relevant experiences with customer data but why worry when Customer Data Platform + Intelligence (formerly Salesforce CDP & Datorama) are here to your rescue. 

Latest feature release for Customer Data Platform (previously known as Salesforce CDP)

Customer Data Platforms enable marketers to establish a unified and reliable database for all their customers. Through CDP, every detail about an individual, including demographics and engagement, can be consolidated from various platforms.

Recently, new advancements have been introduced to the CDP.

Streaming Insights & Data Actions: Provides insights into current events, facilitating the analysis of nearly real-time data signals, such as the arrival of a new customer, recent purchase, or payment issue. This information is utilized to trigger workflow events.

Advanced Identity Resolution: Utilize AI to identify customers by matching and merging disparate data. If a field is duplicated (like address, phone, or email) or a name has more than one spelling/nickname, It can be merged

Anonymous Profiles: Identify customers anonymously and link their rich histories of data to their profiles once they become known.

New for Intelligence (formerly Datorama)

The use of intelligence is that it unifies marketing analytics and provides insights. Thus, marketing intelligence platforms allow their users to connect all their marketing technology stacks for comprehensive, AI-driven analytics.

Intelligence Reports for Engagement: Marketers are no longer using email opening metrics to measure engagement. The improvements will divide the email performance by device, client, OS, and browser, and develop new KPIs for conversions, clicks by link, bounce types, unsubscribes, complaints, and click event lag. 

Interactive Visualization: Quickly and accurately analyze and compare deep data sets across advertising, marketing, and business data. Compare currencies, channels, campaigns, time series, and business units in one customizable view.

Wrapping into the Marketing Cloud Portfolio

In this day and age, it's hard to keep up with the latest marketing trends. But Marketing Cloud is leading the way in marketing technology for years!  it has evolved quite comprehensively– at the time of writing, a quick count-up gives 20 modules, give or take.

With every acquisition, Salesforce has delivered what Salesforce customers were expecting out of the marketing cloud (i.e. the technologies and, the possibilities). Now, the company is striving to simplify the suite and streamline the technology. Hence the new innovations you've read, as well as the name changes.

Service Cloud

A lot of data is generated by digital, multi-channel marketing. How can it be used by the service team? The customer service platform gets a new lease of life to make conversational insights actionable (i.e. slice and dice conversational content into understandable copy for agents). Then connect it with marketers.

AWS Contact Lens: Offers advanced transcription that has no time restrictions, sentiment analysis that is in real-time, and intelligent signals. A customer service agent can closely monitor customer conversations in order to identify product feedback, sentiment, and keywords.


  • https://www.salesforceben.com/the-drip/new-salesforce-marketing-cloud-datorama-and-service-cloud-features-released/

  • https://www.salesforce.com/in/products/marketing-cloud/customer-data-platform/

  • https://www.tableau.com/solutions/datorama#:~:text=Salesforce%20Intelligence%20is%20a%20marketing,or%20how%20much%20it%20changes.

Abhinav Gupta

First Indian Salesforce MVP, rewarded Eight times in a row, has been blogging about Salesforce, Cloud, AI, & Web3 since 2011. Founded 1st Salesforce Dreamin event in India, called “Jaipur Dev Fest”. A seasoned speaker at Dreamforce, Dreamin events, & local meets. Author of many popular GitHub repos featured in official Salesforce blogs, newsletters, and books.


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