HTTP Compression with Apache Axis, a huge performance boost!

I was researching and benchmarking how HTTP Compression with Apache Axis improves performance. The results I got post-HTTP compression are surprisingly amazing, i.e. “response time of web service calls is reduced to one-third and, in many cases, even one-fourth.”.

Though HTTP Compression is a generic topic, not related to Salesforce, but for my benchmarking, I used Salesforce SOAP web services.

Good news: I got a highly noticeable response time difference with each Partner, Enterprise, Apex, and Metadata web service call.

How to make HTTP Compression work in Axis (Salesforce)

Prerequisite: setup Classpath with dependencies

Apart from WSDL2Java classes for your partner, metadata, etc. WSDL. You need the following jars in classpath.

  • axis.jar (I used Axis v1.4)

  • commons-httpclient-3.1.jar 

  • common-codec-x.jar

  • Other jars that are usually included when working with Salesforce Webservice + Apache Axis 1.4. Like jaxrpc.jar, commons-lang-x.x.jar, commons-discovery-x.x.jar, wsdl4j-1.x.x.jar. All these dependencies are available with your axis 1.4 binary download. Check the “\lib” folder.

Step 1 – Extend Axis Service to @override createCall() method

As explained in this post by Simon. We need to extend the WSDL2Java generated extension class to “org.apache.axis.client.Service” as shown below. In the case of Salesforce partner.wsdl, this class is SforceServiceLocator.

import javax.xml.rpc.Call;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
import org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPConstants;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.SforceServiceLocator;

public class SforceService extends SforceServiceLocator {
   public Call createCall() throws ServiceException {
      Call call = super.createCall();
      call.setProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_ACCEPT_GZIP, Boolean.TRUE);
      call.setProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_GZIP_REQUEST, Boolean.TRUE);
      return call;

If you are working with other Salesforce WSDLs, then you have to extend these classes in the exact same way. 

  • Apex WSDL: com.sforce.soap._2006._08.apex.ApexServiceLocator

  • Enterprise WSDL: com.sforce.soap.enterprise.SforceServiceLocator

  • Metadata WSDL: com.sforce.soap._2006._04.metadata.MetadataServiceLocator

Note: We just need to change “extends SforceServiceLocator” in the above code snippet to these classes; the rest of the code will remain the same.

Once you are done with the changes, then your client code needs to use this extension class for creating the stubs, as shown below:

SoapBindingStub stub = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceService().getSoap();
// prepare the stub by either making a login call 
// OR
// by setting headers for SessionId/ServerURL etc
QueryResult qr = stub.query("Select Id, FirstName, LastName from Contact");

// Similarly you can create stubs for Apex, Metadata and Enterprise WSDL 
// as shown below
// Apex WSDL
ApexBindingStub apexBinding = (ApexBindingStub) new SforceService().getApex();
// Metadata WSDL
MetadataBindingStub apexBinding = (MetadataBindingStub) new SforceService().getMetadata();
// Enterprise WSDL (looks same as Partner, but SoapbindingStub here is 
// under package com.sforce.soap.enterprise.SoapBindingStub
SoapBindingStub stub = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceService().getSoap();

Step 2 – Tell Axis to use “CommonsHTTPSender” instead of “HTTPSender”

One way to do that is to create a config file named “client-config.wsdd”, as explained by Simon. Here is the relevant text from his blog post:

“you have to configure axis to use the vastly superior CommonsHTTPSender class rather than the default HTTPSender class as its transport, this is done by changing the transport entry in the client-config.wsdd file from java:org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender to java:org.apache.axis.transport.http.CommonsHTTPSender and adding Commons HTTP to the class path.”

You can Google around how to create a client-config.wsdd file for this. I usually hate creating config files, so here is an alternate approach if you want to achieve the same using the following Java code (Add this code inline to some class that’s called on application startup or prior to making SOAP calls).

// You need to include this static block
// in some startup class or just set the AxisProperties
// some where else.
static {

public static class CompressedEngineConfigurationFactory implements
  EngineConfigurationFactory {

  public static EngineConfigurationFactory newFactory(Object param) {
    return new CompressedEngineConfigurationFactory();

  public EngineConfiguration getClientEngineConfig() {
    BasicClientConfig cfg = new BasicClientConfig();
    cfg.deployTransport("http", new SimpleTargetedChain(
      new CommonsHTTPSender()));
    return cfg;

  public EngineConfiguration getServerEngineConfig() {
    return null;

That’s it, guys. Try making calls now. You have HTTP Compression “ON”.

Step 3 – Feeling the response time difference

To really feel, “how SOAP compression is great”, try benchmarking Salesforce web service calls that return huge responses. For example, a SOQL query that returns 2000+ records or a heavy metadata call.

When not to use HTTP Compression?

HTTP compression(GZIP) is good for web service calls working on “TEXT”  requests/responses. If your web service call is returning something binary like ZIP files. I would suggest, don’t use HTTP compression on that, because that is already compressed.

So ideally, one needs to decide “When to turn on HTTP compression ?”, based on the Web service Response Type.

Does “SFDC WSC API” need HTTP Compression?


SFDC WSC API i.e. The Web Service Connector (WSC), is a high-performing web service client stack implemented using a streaming parser. WSC also makes it much easier to use the API (Web Services/SOAP or Asynchronous/BULK API).

HTTP Compression with WSC!

The good news here is that HTTP Compression is “ON” by default with WSC. So one needs to do no tweaks to get it with WSC. I must say, great job done by WSC team; the API is very easy to use and gives many cool hidden stuff!

If required, you can easily turn HTTP Compression “OFF” by calling;

What do you say?

Let me know how Axis compression works for you. Would be interested in getting your feedback on this..!

Abhinav Gupta

First Indian Salesforce MVP, rewarded Eight times in a row, has been blogging about Salesforce, Cloud, AI, & Web3 since 2011. Founded 1st Salesforce Dreamin event in India, called “Jaipur Dev Fest”. A seasoned speaker at Dreamforce, Dreamin events, & local meets. Author of many popular GitHub repos featured in official Salesforce blogs, newsletters, and books.

Salesforce WSC added support for Session Timeout handling!


HTTP Compression with Apache Axis for Salesforce Web Services !