Salesforce Mobile Developer Week Meetup @Jaipur

It was a great last few weeks of Apr'13, full of excitement, discussions and enthusiasm about "Salesforce mobile dev week". Heat and excitement about salesforce + mobile events during this week was almost everywhere through out the world, here is a map showing mobile meetups around the globe:

Salesforce mobile developer week events across the globe

For my friends and peer developers in India, we had total 8 meet-ups in almost all major metros and tier 2 cities here. We're thankful to Sandeep Bhanot, he flied to India for mobile dev. week only and presented in meet-ups here. Here is a related pic from recent Chennai Meetup:

Salesforce chennai meetup

Jaipur Salesforce Meet-up

Many of you might be knowing that I am presently in Jaipur (my hometown). We did a meet-up on the same theme here in Hotel Fern on 28th Apr 2013. It was a great fun and learning experience from preparations, dry runs, presentations, quizzes and finally wind up of meet-up.


Agenda was to have a highly interactive meet-ups, rather doing a dull presentation oriented one. So we had mix bag of presentation and quizzes:

1) Intro - 15 mins (Ankit Arora, MVP)

2) Introduction to Native & Hybrid iOS Development with force.comMobile SDK (Gaurav Kheterpal)

3) Learning the mobile way (Abhinav Gupta, MVP)


4) Quiz (Gaurav Kheterpal)

5) Mobilising Your Salesforce Applications with jQuery Mobile (Amit Jain)

6) Closing Note & Schwag distribution (Cloud Trivia)

More details here on meetup page:

Our team

It was fun and learning experience to work with this team of and mobile champs. Thanks to team mates for making this event awesome, looking forward to connect again in next meet-up. Those who are not from Jaipur, here are headshots of team for reference:


Gaurav Kheterpal


Ankit Arora


Abhinav Gupta


Amit Jain

Event photos

It was a bag full of good memories, please visit this meetup link to view all photos :

Salesforce Jaipur meetup

My Slides

My goal of creating this deck is to motivate students, freshers and developers who are not yet on mobile to get excited about platform and the variety of options available to get into mobile app development.

Thanks Developerforce Team

For organizing and coming up with this idea of Mobile dev week. It has ignited a lot of bulbs, to start building apps using various mobile technologies.

Abhinav Gupta

First Indian Salesforce MVP, rewarded Eight times in a row, has been blogging about Salesforce, Cloud, AI, & Web3 since 2011. Founded 1st Salesforce Dreamin event in India, called “Jaipur Dev Fest”. A seasoned speaker at Dreamforce, Dreamin events, & local meets. Author of many popular GitHub repos featured in official Salesforce blogs, newsletters, and books.

Adding new fields can break existing visualforce pages


Slides and recordings from Chennai Salesforce Platform Developer meetup–October !