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Building Strong Communities Around Your Product Via Salesforce Idea Management

Establishing communities is a great way to keep customers and stakeholders engaged and valued. However, managing the influx of ideas from diverse community members can be overwhelming, especially when scattered across multiple channels and formats. 

This blog explores the importance of idea management, the key to managing ideas for your product, and how leveraging Salesforce tools can help organizations increase collaboration between product teams and customer communities. 

What is Salesforce Idea Management?

Here are a series of steps in a typical Salesforce Idea Management process:

1. First, you gather ideas from various channels like your website's idea portal, email suggestions, or feedback forms for your product. 

2. Then, you organize them by themes or topics to understand common patterns. 

3. Next, you evaluate each idea based on criteria like feasibility and impact, possibly involving different teams. 

4. Afterward, you prioritize ideas considering factors like customer demand and strategic alignment. 

5. Finally, you implement chosen ideas into your product roadmap, allocating resources and keeping stakeholders updated on progress.

Key Features of Salesforce Idea Management

Salesforce Idea Management typically includes:

  1. Idea Submission Channels: Users can submit ideas through dedicated portals (for customers/employees/partners), email, or directly within Salesforce applications.

  2. Idea Organization: Ideas are systematically categorized and tagged based on themes, topics, or product areas to facilitate easy navigation and analysis.

  3. Evaluation and Prioritization: Ideas are evaluated against predefined criteria, such as feasibility, alignment with business objectives, and potential impact. They are then prioritized based on their importance and strategic significance.

  4. Collaboration and Feedback: Cross-functional teams can collaborate on idea evaluation and provide feedback, ensuring that all perspectives are considered in the decision-making process.

  5. Transparency and Communication: The status of ideas, including whether they are under review, planned, or implemented, is transparently communicated to stakeholders. This fosters transparency and trust within the community.

  6. Integration with Salesforce: Salesforce Idea Management integrates with other Salesforce products and solutions, allowing businesses to leverage their existing infrastructure and workflows.

Benefits of Salesforce Idea Management

Here’s what makes Salesforce Idea Management beneficial for any business: 

#1 High Levels of Engagement

Idea Management with Salesforce Experience Cloud fosters active participation from all stakeholders, from customers to internal teams. This translates to a loyal customer base, higher retention rates, and a workforce brimming with creative energy — exactly what your business requires!

#2 Products that Resonate with User Needs

Not understanding your customer needs and rolling out product features and new versions without deep intent analysis can result in a big-time failure. 

With Salesforce Idea Management, you can establish a direct line to the heart of your customer base. By harnessing this wealth of knowledge and expectations, you can create products that truly resonate with user needs, eliminating the costly pitfall of developing features that miss the mark.

#3 Organized Idea for Maximum Impact

Effective idea management involves collecting feedback and strategically prioritizing and implementing it. Once you start organizing ideas based on their potential impact and alignment with business goals, you can allocate resources more efficiently to high-value projects. 

#4 No More Working in Silos

With a robust idea management system in place, you can open up lines of communication between stakeholders, customers, and product engineering teams. This interconnectedness will ensure that no one is working in silos and everyone has visibility into what others are thinking and doing. 

#5 Constant Innovation

A dynamic idea management system like Salesforce encourages continuous innovation. By keeping the flow of ideas active and engaging community members, Salesforce Idea Management helps you can stay ahead of market trends and potentially disruptive technologies. 

Key Steps to Effective Salesforce Idea Management

So what’s the secret sauce to effective Salesforce Idea Management? Here are some steps you can follow as you implement ideas in Salesforce: 

1. Define Clear Objectives

Before launching an idea management initiative, clearly define your objectives. Are you looking to solve specific problems, improve existing products, or gather feedback on new services? Setting clear goals will help you tailor the community structure and functionalities to meet these objectives.

2. Encourage Active Participation

Active participation is key to a successful idea-sharing platform. Encourage user participation by promoting the community through newsletters, emails, and other channels, offering incentives for active participation such as recognition, rewards, or gamification elements, and featuring top contributors to highlight their contributions and motivate others.

3. Implement Robust Moderation

To maintain the quality of ideas shared and ensure discussions remain constructive, set clear community guidelines about acceptable behavior and the type of content that can be shared. You can make use of automated moderated tools to flag and remove inappropriate content, and involve human moderators to oversee the community, providing guidance and resolving conflicts as needed.

4. Use Analytics to Drive Decisions

Salesforce Experience Cloud is packed with powerful analytics tools. Use these tools to track engagement, popular topics, and member feedback. 

This data can help you identify trending ideas to prioritize for development, understand community behavior to improve user experience and engagement and measure the success of your idea management efforts against your initial objectives.

5. Continuously Improve

Finally, idea management should not be static. So what should you do?

Regularly solicit feedback about the idea management process itself and use this to make continual improvements. This could involve updating the technology, changing community guidelines, or modifying engagement strategies based on what works best for your audience.

The Salesforce Advantage for Enhanced Idea Management

Salesforce Experience Cloud is a powerful tool for creating branded and interactive community portals within your SaaS product. With Salesforce’s easy-to-use tools full of extensive capabilities, you can seamlessly integrate robust idea management functionalities, fostering deeper customer engagement and driving innovation through the collective intelligence of your user base.

Here’s why Salesforce is a great toolkit for your idea management:

1. Low-Code and No-Code Tools

Having ideas is one thing but implementing those can take time, effort, and a significant amount of resources. 

Thankfully with Salesforce’s low-code and no-code capabilities, non-developers can adapt functionalities based on user ideas or changing needs, and customize workflows without waiting for specialized IT resources. 

Benefit? You can drastically reduce the time and cost of deploying and managing technological solutions, accelerating your idea-to-implementation process.

2. Community Management Features

Experience Cloud facilitates engaging communities by providing tools to create user-friendly, interactive, and mobile-optimized forums where users can discuss, vote on, and develop ideas. 

With features like personalized content, automated recommendations, idea prioritization, and real-time notifications, you can keep users engaged and informed, boosting participation rates and ensuring a steady stream of community-driven ideas.

Idea prioritization in Salesforce IdeaExchange community

3. Fast Communication with Internal Teams

Often valuable ideas and customer feedback are not relayed to the right teams leaving customers unsatisfied with the experience. Thankfully, in the Salesforce ecosystem, there are tools to integrate Experience Cloud such as Slack so you can establish seamless communication between your community and internal engineering teams.

With such integration, you can ensure that valuable ideas and customer feedback are quickly relayed to the right teams, facilitating faster decision-making and more responsive idea management.

4. Tracking and Analytics

Salesforce also has robust analytics tools so you can track the performance of your idea management activities, measure engagement levels, and analyze the impact of community feedback on product development. 

With these insights, you can continuously refine their approach to community management and idea integration, ensuring they remain aligned with user expectations and your business objectives.

Salesforce Idea Implementation: Key Essentials to Know

  1. Idea Preparation

Before you set up Ideas, you should spend time in idea preparation. For this, you’d assign an executive sponsor who can engage with key stakeholders and ensure the success of your ideation project.

Ask yourself the following questions while finalizing the best ideas for your project:

  • How do you want to organize ideas?

  • How do you want to categorize them?

  • What validation rules you would want to follow?

  • Do you want to display an idea status?

  • Do You want to add Reward Activity with User Reputations and Levels?

  • Will your users have access to Idea reports?

  • Will you need community experts? If yes, then how many?

  • How will you monitor new ideas and comments?

2. Ideas Setup Overview 

To set up Ideas, complete the following steps: 

  • Set up a Chatter community or a Customer Portal.

  • Customize Ideas settings. 

  • Create one or more zones to help organize ideas into logical groups with each zone having its focus. 

  • Define picklist values for the Categories and Status fields. 

  • Create validation rules that prevent offensive language from being used in the zone. 

  • Set up Idea reports for your users. 

  • If implementing Ideas in a portal, set up a Lightning Platform site to display Ideas publicly.

3. Idea Administration

After you set up Ideas, there are a few administration tasks you may need to perform on an ongoing basis:

  • Merging duplicate ideas

  • Assigning status to ideas

  • Monitoring new ideas and comments for offensive language and inappropriate content

4. Working and Using Idea Themes

Before you set yourself up for implementation, you should also know about Idea Themes in Salesforce. Idea themes allow community members to post ideas on specific topics, facilitating problem-solving and innovation within your organization.

For instance, you can engage your community in naming a new product, encouraging collaboration and idea sharing until a winning suggestion emerges. Idea Themes also support multimedia content, enabling you to showcase and explain ideas effectively, while also providing tools to manage the list of posted ideas.


Integrating effective idea management into your product development strategy can transform how you align with customer expectations and innovate new features. By adopting the practices outlined and leveraging Salesforce tools such as Experience Cloud, you can ensure that your product not only meets but exceeds customer expectations.

Further Reading

1. Learn How to Manage Ideas

2. Understand and Work with Ideas

3. Help Managers Prioritize Ideas - Trailhead

4. Working with and Using Ideas


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