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Slides and recordings from Chennai Salesforce Platform Developer meetup–October !

Chennai October meetup went well yesterday with sessions on topics ranging from Apex, Heroku etc. I enjoyed delivering my session over Google hangout a lot, it for sure saved the traveling time and cost across cities, plus opens more possibilities to be present in other meetups as well.


I delivered a session about “Parsing XML/JSON in Apex”. Goal of this session was to increase awareness about the better API available in platform for XML and JSON handling. Here are the slides for the same:

See this content in the original post

Parsing XML & JSON in Apex from Abhinav Gupta

In case you want the supporting code snippet for the slides, here is the gist for the same:

Recording of Meetup

As we did two meetup sessions over Google hangout, recordings for same is available on youtube here:

See this content in the original post


Thanks Karanraj for arrangements and connecting developers from 3 cities i.e. Chennai, Bangalore and Gurgaon.